Quick Asked: Nsw Fair Trading Contact Us?

Are you searching for Nsw Fair Trading Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 02 Jun, 2024 124 Views

Where can i get a fair trading service in sydney? Telephone: 13 14 50 and ask for an interpreter in your language. Make a request for information under the GIPA Act (previously Freedom of Information). A range of fair trading services are available from Service NSW Centre locations throughout Sydney and regional NSW.

Why is it taking so long for nsw fair trading to respond? You may experience some delay from NSW Fair Trading in responding to your complaint. Our staff are working through a large volume of complaints in response to an increased demand for Fair Trading services. We will prioritise any urgent matters during this period.

How do i contact service nsw? Including all the information requested will allow Service NSW to respond to your query more quickly and accurately. Answer all questions unless they are marked as (optional). For COVID-19 and floods assistance you can call us 24/7 on 13 77 88. For other enquiries, call us on 13 77 88 from Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm (Sydney time).

How to lodge a complaint about retail trading in nsw? To lodge a complaint about retail trading please provide the following (where applicable): copies of any other relevant documents. I declare that the information supplied by me is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. I acknowledge that NSW Fair Trading may:

Listing Results Nsw Fair Trading Contact Us? Question Answers

Fair Trading Centres Regional Service NSW

Phone: 13 32 20 More information A range of Fair Trading services are now available over the counter at Service NSW locations throughout New South Wales. To find your nearest location please use the Service Centre locator. Featured services Government Access Centres Was the information on this page useful? Yes No

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