Quick Asked: Liquidpiston Contact Us?

Are you searching for Liquidpiston Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 27 May, 2024 333 Views

Where is liquidpiston located? Located in Bloomfield, CT, in a 12000 sq. foot space, LiquidPiston maintains state-of-the-art laboratory facilities dedicated to developing and testing engines and supporting components.

What happened to the liquidpiston offering? The LiquidPiston offering is now closed and is no longer accepting investments. LiquidPiston, Inc. (LPI) develops advanced rotary internal combustion engines based on the company’s patented thermodynamic cycle and novel rotary engine architecture.

Are liquidpiston engines available for purchase? LiquidPiston’s engines are in development and are not currently available for purchase. However, LiquidPiston has test kits available for development / manufacturing partners, and is seeking commercialization partnerships. How does the engine differ from a Wankel?

What is liquidpistons hehc? LiquidPiston has developed a thermodynamic cycle which is 30% more efficient than the gasoline and diesel cycles used in almost all internal combustion engines today. This cycle, named the High-Efficiency Hybrid Cycle (HEHC), has been implemented into a compact, lightweight engine designed to be power-dense and multi-fuel capable.

Listing Results Liquidpiston Contact Us? Question Answers

Liquidpiston, Inc. Company Profile Bloomfield, CT

Markets LiquidPiston

LiquidPiston licenses its technology to partners, while also offering technical engineering consulting services to custom design and develop application-specific engines for its partners and customers, including engine manufacturers and systems integrators. If you are interested in discussing a partnership with LiquidPiston, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions LiquidPiston

LiquidPiston has a leading team of experts focused on rotary engine development. We are always interested in exceptional people. Please explore our job postings.If you would like to apply for one of the open positions, or to let us know how you can make a difference at LiquidPiston, please email your resume to [email protected].

About Us LiquidPiston

LiquidPiston officially closed a $1.07M Reg CF round. LiquidPiston met its funding goal in just 9 hours, making it one of the fastest Reg CF raises in history. 10/2019 FINALIST IN ARMY EXPEDITIONARY TECHNOLOGY SEARCH COMPETITION. Winner of $135K, and featured at AUSA. 10/2019 MAIDEN FLIGHT ON JET A FUEL

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