Quick Asked: Iwireless Solutions Contact Us?

Are you searching for Iwireless Solutions Contact Us? By using our below available official links ( which are always up to date), you can find contact information without any difficulty. It may list Phone number, Mobile phone, Email Address & Customer service information.
Last update: 02 Jun, 2024 310 Views

Where does iwiwireless operate? iWireless operates GSM cellular networks in the PCS-1900 and AWS-1700/2100 radio frequency bands primarily in Iowa, but also owns licenses covering the Quad Cities area of western Illinois, southwestern Wisconsin and North Sioux City, South Dakota.

What is the history of iwireless? iWireless was founded in 1997 as Iowa Wireless Services L.P., a joint venture between Western Wireless Corp. and Iowa Network Services Inc., a consortium of 127 Iowa independent telecommunications companies.

Where is iwireless located in iowa? Headquartered in Urbandale, Iowa, iWireless was a partnership between T-Mobile US, Inc. and Iowa Network Services Inc. iWireless owned licenses to operate GSM cellular networks in the PCS-1900 and AWS-1700 radio frequency bands covering Iowa, southwestern Wisconsin and northwestern Illinois.

What kind of phones does iwireless offer? iWireless offers Apple brand smartphones as well as some other popular smartphones. Products like the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7, the Nexus 5 by Google, as well as more affordable smartphones. ^ "About i wireless".

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